Life didn't turn out to be what i expected😐
Disappointments became part of my life😏
Tears became my remedy😭
I'm living in my own world🌎
A world full of fake❌
Fake people🤡
Fake love💔
Fake friends🗣
Is this who i am?
Is this who I wanted to be?
Every night is like hell💔
Behind the smile🙂
Is a world of pain😢💔
I just don't have much leverage over my life🍂
I feel like I'm tearing apart 💔😭
I feel like my life is a nightmare😭
A nightmare I'll wake up from😪
Just the thought of someone telling me its all a bad dream😪......
I feel like Demon's are out to get me🏃🏃🏃🏃
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